Wedding and Money - by Abby Smith

Jennifer Hester |

I really enjoy reading about weddings and looking at wedding photos. I will look at wedding photos online and read about weddings. I’m not planning anything; it’s just a pleasant past-time to see beautiful events and people in love on a very special day. Last year, I read several articles that were the result of some research done by two Emory University professors. The study was called ‘A Diamond is Forever’ and Other Fairy Tales: The Relationship between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration. Sounds interesting, right? Most of the articles highlighted the researchers findings that the more money spent on the ceremony, the less likely the marriage was to last. Who wants to read that??

Initially, I found the study a bit disheartening as it seemed to look for the time when the marriage would end. Regardless of that negative look for the end of the marriage, I continued to read the various articles – perhaps looking for the silver lining. The study included other findings - a couple that had more friends and family in attendance was less likely to divorce than a couple that eloped – community and support around the couple is important! Couples that spent more time dating were more successful in their marriages. Couples that attended church regularly had healthier marriages. Couples that took a honeymoon also had healthier marriages. With these findings, not all the results of the study were bad news!!

So what are the take-aways? Make a budget and look for ways to cut costs – and stick to it. And, if you are planning a wedding, give us a call and we would be happy to help you along the way.