Goal Attainment - By Jerry Black
How are you doing?? The year is already 25% plus done. Are you 25% plus or more toward attaining your goals?? This isn’t about goal setting. Presumably you’ve got them. I do and I routinely find myself looking in the mirror wondering if I have what it takes to attain them. Here’s a few quotes from one of my favorite philosophers that help me and perhaps will encourage you.
Goals: “There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”
“The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.”
“The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.” Jim Rohn – My favorite business philosopher
Note: The only value of money is in its use. Are you using some of it to attain your goals? If not perhaps we can help set you free. Give us a call.